ADHS-Tron - MIDI controlled Korg Monotron
The mission: My friend L's Korg Monotron should become controllable via MIDI from a DAW.
Getting Started

Arduino receives MIDI through input circuit and triggers Gate and Pitch CV inputs on Monotron. As you can hear it's not quite a major or chromatic or any scale. Arduino Uno's 8bit DAC can't output precise enough voltages for Pitch CV.
The code necessary for above described functionality:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <MIDI.h>
#define USBserial Serial
SoftwareSerial MIDIserial(2, 4); // RX, TX
int LedInt = 13;
int PinGate = 6; // digital
int PinPitch = 9; // PWM
int PinCutoff = 10; // PWM??
bool gMidiGateOn = false;
uint8_t gMidiNoteValue = 0;
uint16_t gPitchAnalog = 0;
const uint8_t LOWEST_KEY = 24; // C2
//MIDI_CREATE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE(); // binds to default hardware port
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(SoftwareSerial, MIDIserial, MIDI); // port is selectable here
//MIDI_CREATE_CUSTOM_INSTANCE(SoftwareSerial, MIDIserial, MIDI, MySettings); // altering settings
void debugNote (byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity, uint16_t PitchAnalog) {
USBserial.print(" ");
USBserial.print(" ");
USBserial.print(" ");
USBserial.println(" ");
void handleNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
gMidiGateOn = true;
gMidiNoteValue = pitch;
if (pitch >= LOWEST_KEY) {
gPitchAnalog = uint16_t((gMidiNoteValue-LOWEST_KEY)*835.666666666); // + gMidiPitchBend ; // 8191/12
digitalWrite(LedInt, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PinGate, HIGH);
debugNote(channel, pitch, velocity, gPitchAnalog);
void handleNoteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) { // NoteOn messages with 0 velocity are interpreted as NoteOffs.
digitalWrite(LedInt, LOW);
digitalWrite(PinGate, LOW);
//debugNote(channel, pitch, velocity);
void setup() {
pinMode(LedInt, OUTPUT); // BuiltIn LED
digitalWrite(LedInt, LOW); // LedInt off
USBserial.begin(115200); // debugging here
MIDI.begin(1); // Listen to incoming messages on ch 1
void loop() {; // Read incoming messages
At this point it’s about time to tell you that the snippets you see on this page are reconstructed with the help of my git history and I can’t guarantee that the program was completely working/bugfree at that particular commit. If you find something odd please leave a comment and I’m happy to help, correct it, whatever. On the bottom of this page you find a link to the final code that worked for me.
Solving the Control Voltage Problem

Arduino compatible code needs to be changed slightly to run on a Teensy (different serial ports and obviously pin numbers):
#include <MIDI.h>
#define USBserial Serial
#define MIDIserial Serial1
// Ableton C-2 = C0 = 00, Ableton C2 = C0 = 24; my keyb default range: 36-72
const uint8_t LOWEST_KEY = 36; // 24=C2, 36=C3
const uint8_t HIGHEST_KEY = 72; // 84=C7, 72=C6, 60=C5, 48=C4,
int LedInt = 13;
int PinGate = 2; // digital
int PinCutoff = 3; // PWM, to 30000 in setup
int PinPitch = A14; // DAC, to 30000 in setup
uint16_t gPitchAnalog = 0;
void setup() {
analogWriteResolution(8); // default to 8bit PWM resolution
analogWriteFrequency(PinCutoff, 30000);
At that time I was not quite sure how I could possibly get the pitches right, I just did not know what the volts/octave definition is for the Monotron. After hours of trial and error I came up with this formula that sounded correctly over almost a 3 octave range (the lowest 3 notes always are a bit too low if you tune your Monotron to about 10:00 o’clock):
uint16_t gPitchAnalog = 0;
gPitchAnalog = uint16_t((PitchMidi-LOWEST_KEY)*0.02577777/3.3*4096);
analogWrite(PIN_PITCH, gPitchAnalog);
Weeks later I found a little mark on the freely available Monotron schematic that might have helped :-O
whole ribbon Vbe offset
Beyond Pitches

Filter controlled via MIDI CC (pink line), playing around with the resonance is always fun

Features presented in order of appearance (If unpatient skip to 2:30 for some acidish sounds)
- Filter cutoff and resonance controlled locally
- Filter cutoff controlled via MIDI CC (pink line), resonance locally
- LFO modulating filter cutoff, amount and rate controlled locally
additional features not shown here
- Filter cutoff controlled via MIDI velocity
- LFO controlled via MIDI CC

Get the final code to this project here: Feel free to fork, send issues and so on!